Wetlands Sign - Sign placed on the wetlands trail to encourage hikers to stay on the trail.
Sample web site buttons - These are 4 of several navigation buttons designed for the Metro Parks, Serving Summit County web site.
Volunteer Thank You cards - Front and back of the 2009 Volunteer thank you card's set out every April to thank the park's volunteers for their hard work. The front features a photograph taken by one of the park's volunteers.
Volunteer Thank You cards - Front and back of the 2009 Volunteer thank you card's set out every April to thank the park's volunteers for their hard work. The front features a photograph taken by one of the park's volunteers.
E-Newsletter Headers - I created these headers to go at the top of the park's new e-newsletters.
Audio Tour Icon - I created this icon to show which of the trails had an audio guided tour for the 2009 Fall Hiking Spree. This icon was used on the hiking spree registration form as well as the web site.
2010 Year-at-Glance Calender
Metro Parks
Sara Griffith
Graphic Designer Midland, MI