Title Screen
World 1: Level 1-1
World1: Level 1-1 continue
Player ship Icon
Player ship
World 1: Level 1-1_Enemy 1
New Main menu
Shop Menu
How 2 Play Menu
Level 1-1
Level 1-2
Space Bro's

Space Bro's

In the deep space region of Blue Zentona - SSBZ-80, and unknown terror is luking. Many of the gathering planets seem to all disappear? Platoon-S jump into action to see what was all the fuss about. Little did they know what was waiting for them. Now it's up to Capt. Tj to find his missing comrades and restore peace to this unknown region!!

Fly through twenty level of pure madness, shot, bomb and defeat the enemies and boss characters. This game is well over 15 hours of game play.

Tavaris M. Johnson
Head Developer Chicago, IL