Sofa - Author's furniture made with automotive design canons.Table, chest and bed,completely projected in CAD-system, panels milled on NC tool. Materials:carbon, stainless steel, glass-fiber, leather. Panels painted with car enamel.Sofa: basic part imported from Mercedes-Benz S-klasse, previous generation, mounted on steel frame.Glass-fiber edging reminds of sport-cars, behind heads of 'passengers' - aggressive antiwing and cowl with cancellated air vent right under your legs!
Chest - The purpose and location of the chest is a little off-centre - artistic articles will be stored inside - and its place is at the glassed-in balcony. Those specialities defined both dimensions and a form of the object. Side elements, covered by leather, evoke the sense of smooth transitions of the surfaces onto the contiguous walls. The upper shelf of the chest has carbon coating.
Bed - The bed is a multifunctional object - it can be used not only for sleeping, but as a 'recreation area' as well. The real automobile MP3 player and acoustic system with 4 dynamics are mounted into the bed's soft back. You can both lie and sit there comfortably.
Table - The hard carbon frame has become the base of the most part of construction, in some case it appears as a designer element itself. The desk doesn't avoid the canons of ergonomics, the arrangement of its elements is thought over carefully, that's why it's very comfortable to use. The table-boards are painted with car enamel, pedestal is covered with genuine leather. Horizontal board converts to slanting part with big pen case for writing materials.
Table - The hard carbon frame has become the base of the most part of construction, in some case it appears as a designer element itself. The desk doesn't avoid the canons of ergonomics, the arrangement of its elements is thought over carefully, that's why it's very comfortable to use. The table-boards are painted with car enamel, pedestal is covered with genuine leather. Horizontal board converts to slanting part with big pen case for writing materials.
Details of table
Details of table
Home furniture in automotive style