Candice - Graphite pencil Summer, 2007
Adrienne - Graphite pencils January, 2010
Drink & Draw: Erin and Evan - The first in a series of 3 from the Private Reserve show at the ARTery @ The Lab in Costa Mesa, CA. Graphite pencils on Bistrol board
Drink & Draw: Aileen - The second in a series of 3 from the Private Reserve show at the ARTery @ The Lab in Costa Mesa, CA. Graphite pencils on Bistrol board
Drink & Draw: Drinkin' Teo - The third in a series of 3 from the Private Reserve show at the ARTery @ The Lab in Costa Mesa, CA. Graphite pencils on Bistrol board
Lolo Fortunato, The Most Interesting Man in the World - This is a memorial piece for my late grandfather, my "Lolo," Fortunato Rivera. October, 2010
Henry and Lolo - Holiday gift for my uncle, completed December, 2010.
C.R. Teodoro
Illustrator and Graphic Designer Orange County, CA