Coffee Table - This was a coffee table I designed for my apartment. I did the original design, and then a friend built it for me out of scrap material he found from a torn-down barn.
DS Lite Case - This is definitely the worst case I made, but unfortunately the only one I have a picture of. I keep this as an example of the style of DS case design I made that was published on in 2006. With this particular one I experimented with the type of material I used, but found that the thickness of the vinyl did not work very well.
Ipod Case - Open - One of the Ipod cases I have made. This one was made of leather and closed using Velcro. The client did not it close with a leather strap, which I would have usually done.
Ipod Case - Closed - This is a detail picture of the case closed.
Ipod Case - Logo - The client wanted their logo on the back of the case, so I created it logo with red suede that was recessed behind the leather. This image also shows the hole made at the bottom of the case to allow the user to attach headphones to the Ipod while keeping it protected.
Stefanie Powell
Independent Contractor Richmond, VA