Print Management Services ad for full-line catalog.
One of a series of back-to-college ads placed in campus publications.
Another ad in the back-to-college series.
Back-to-college ad aimed at Ohio State University students.
On-Call Tech Support ad for OfficeMax magazine aimed at small business customers.
Payroll Processing ad, also used in the small business customer magazine.
OfficeMax private label TUL pen brand ad in the full-line catalog.
Full-line catalog ad for the Peter Walsh line of filing products and accessories.
A second spread in the Peter Walsh ad placed in the full-line catalog.

I provided copyediting and proofreading for OfficeMax ads placed in catalogs, a magazine sent to customers and college publications. Copywriter for each of these ads is OfficeMax branding colleague Hillary Lichtenstein.

Susan Zimmerman
Experienced Editor | Proofreader | Writer | Evoke Creative Services... Chicago, IL