Graduation project: Tiga, a self-steering vehicle for city experience

For many people a city trip is a way to escape from daily routine. During your short stay you want to see as much of the city as possible, but this is often a difficult task. When you don't want to join the touristic site-seeing tours, you'll have to use public transportation, or rent a bicycle or even walk. Public transportation can't take you everywhere you want to go and another downside is that it takes a lot of time. Due to this you will not be able to see/visit everything you wanted to see and bad weather conditions can also play a big negative role.

Tiga offers a solution for all these issues. Tiga takes you to the parts of the city that you want to see/visit during your short stay. Tiga is a vehicle and your personal guide in the city and it uses your fields of interest to determine a route.
By an online account you can tell Tiga which fields of interests are applicable on you, and Tiga will propose a route that suits best with your fields of interest.

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Sven Thomas
Bachelor of design Eindhoven, Netherlands