Icon artwork I created for two game titles' UI Menus, and for displaying in game over-worlds and levels. Everything here (except for the Tree which my art team designed with an overseas studio) was concepted and produced by me. Created using Photoshop
I concepted and created this UI design for use as a skill progression map. Created using Photoshop, implemented with CocosBuilder
Created using Photoshop, implemented with CocosBuilder
Created using Photoshop, implemented with CocosBuilder
Created using Photoshop, implemented with CocosBuilder
A stylized HUD map I designed for players to use before tackling a game mission.
In-game screenshot displaying several icons, UI elements, and characters I designed for this title.
UI Concepts - 'Jewel Diver' - Here's some user interface concepts and other in-game art I made for underwater themed game "Jewel Diver". "Jewel Diver" is part of Posit Science's brain fitness program "Insight". Players start off in deep sea trenches and work their way to the surface, gradually sharpening their ability to track motion as they progressed. A look at the final product can be seen and demo'd at Posit's website (plug time: positscience.com). All artwork illustrated in Flash & Photoshop.
Games - UI design

Here are some UI designs & elements I created for various game needs, including: prototypes, final designs, wire-frames, and icons.

I implemented a few of them into their game title using CocosBuilder.

Updated for 2016

Tiff Hwang
Production Artist San Francisco, CA