Farmers 23 - brotherhood of a designer, animator and an illustrator
tipoRenesansa, letterpress studio. (subpixel logo) - Organiser of 1st Festival of Letters, Ljubljana.
Design Clinic, design studio. - Mentor: Ranko Novak.
Oddball, jazz band
Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Culture. - Mentor: Ranko Novak, ALUO.
Intek, audio & music distribution
Grafex, an agency and a printing house. - [Friendly with time]
Val Navtika, navtical magazine
Nebo newspaper - Nebo means “sky” and “won't happen”. Needless to say, the newspaper did't happen.
Trojan horse, book collection - Client: Trojina
MotherWriter, copywriter - copywriter Teja Klec (called Mother)
WhyPlayEx - Student agency for a BusinessWeek contest. Coauthor: Aljoša Bagola.
Infiniti, advertising agency
ClimaParks - monitoring and study of the effects of climate changes in Italian and Slovenian parks
1st World Piano Conference
Concise (handy) dictionaries DZS
Uscom, GPS navigation systems
Sledat, virtual following by Uscom
Slovenian Boat Show, Isola 2011
Navtika ABC, organiser of Slovenian Boat Show
Myra Locatelly, book publishing house - book publishing house by Zdravko Duša
Creativ Media, outdoor advertising - Slogan “podkovani v medijih” (to be shod in media in slovene means to be an expert in medias)
Draž Knitwork - Draž is a surname of the founders, but also means allure.
LightVanguard, architectural lightning design - architectural lightning design
Kibla, multimedia center - Mentor: David Carson
Orto MG | Gregor Može, orthodontist “Nasmeh je pol zdravja” means “a smile is one half of health”. It is a word game to slovenian proverb “smeh je pol zdravja” that means “laughter is one half of health”.

Logos from period 2001-2014

Tomato Kosir
(*)tomato Ljubljana, Slovenia