Designed a spec ad for the Reader to promote their Key Ingredient Cookoff event.

Designed a spec ad for furniture store to gain brand awareness and sales.

Created a spec ad for the bank to acquire new clients and brand awareness.

Spec ad created to promote potential client's current offers and brand awareness.

Spec ad created as a job placement ad to a prospect email list.

Designed spec ad for a grand opening/new location opening soon.

Client wanting to reach new, younger clientele for their well known restaurant - designed spec ad with offer to entice a younger audience.

Designed spec ad to reach those in the area surrounding the client's location with hearing issues.

Jewelry store spec ad to gain brand awareness and sales.

Spec ad designed to work with the grocery store's weekly circulars - designed to allow for weekly image and text changes (designed to be used as a weekly template).

Spec ad for resort location offering specific holiday offers to prospective clients.

Spec ad created to promote brand awareness and sales for a well known company.