Underwater tree harvester - Client: Popular Science
RedOwl sniper-hunting robot - Client: Popular Science
Space shuttle - Client: Time magazine for Kids
Tropicana orange juice - Self Promotional illustration
Firefighter's helmet - Client: Popular Science
Tile floor construction - Client: The Family Handyman
Hiking boot cutaway - Client: Consumer Reports
Sonar research ship - Client: University of New Hampshire
Smoke detector - Client: Popular Science
Stone wall construction - Client: This Old House
Scuba rebreather system - Client: Scuba Diving
Concept boat - Client: Popular Science
Rototiller and grass cutaway - Client: The Family Handyman
Split fins - Client: Scuba Diving
Kitchen cabinet - Client: Consumer Reports
All-weather jacket - Client: Consumer Reports
Easton Sports apparel - Client: Easton Sports. To view the entire set of apparel illustrations, visit: http://baseball.eastonsports.com/adultbaseball/products.php?p=apparel&scid=9
Easton batting gloves - Client: Easton Sports
Chainsaw - Client: Consumer Reports
Wet/Dry vaccuum - Client: Consumer Reports
Valves - Client: Matthew Schmidt Design. Adobe Illustrator illustration.
Sony headphones - Self promotional illustration
Toyota Camry - Client: Consumer Reports. Adobe Illustrator illustration.
Technical and Product
Trevor Johnston -...
Digital Illustrator/Infographic Specialist Ottawa, ON