www.soul-delite.com Founder Aylin Altinkaya - What does S.O.U.L. Delite stand for? S.O.U.L. Sophisticated Opportunities for Unique Lives. We are definitive, enlightened, lyrical, idealistic, transcendent entrepreneurs. Our Mission is to open up a platform where Upcoming Artists have the possibility to present their Artwork be it Music, Spoken Word or Visual Art. Artists who are devoted to what they do.
Logo for Patterson Present - CI including the Website www.patterson-presents.com
Delight Design
Variation of DD
Zoo Logo
Cosmetic Comp.
OffShore presents
Offshore presents-Variation
Offshore presents-Variations
Offshore presents-Variations
Crest for Patterson Presents - Entertainment
FuSaWo Sport Agency
Logo Development
Aylin Altinkaya
Media Designer for Digital and Print Media Karlsruhe, Germany