Under the Night GREY OWL - Under the Night GREY OWL Around 36 hours work
Share one Planet Contest - Share one Planet Contest works i made this two illustrations for it, amazingly i got to the finalists (30) with both Share One Planet Wild Animals CG Art Elites Invitational Competition was a contest made only by invitation
Share one Planet Contest - Share one Planet Contest works i made this two illustrations for it, amazingly i got to the finalists (30) with both Share One Planet Wild Animals CG Art Elites Invitational Competition was a contest made only by invitation
Share one Planet Contest - Share one Planet Contest 1st prize of category awarded illustration Share One Planet Wild Animals CG Art Elites Invitational Competition was a contest made only by invitation
SHATOK Water Colossus - SHATOK Water Colossus My entry for the contest The RIFT Create a Colossus Contest Around 24 hours of work, currently working on a game project so this was a good break to do something different