Cover of the prototype
How a complete game looks like
This is an example of a sequence of movements to make a given equation correct

MonsterMates is a cooperative card game to help children from elementary school to learn basic operations of mathematics. A fun way to exercise and practice them.

The game starts with 4 equals operations and two random cards on each side. To complete the second equation first you need to solve correctly the first one.

To do that you can exchange one of your three cards from the hand for one it is on the equation or just add a card to that same equation. If the equation is still not right the next person in the team has the same options to fix the equation.

This project was made as a prototype for a company I was co-founder of named Osyren. Osyren was composed of 3 members where my position was focused on designing the games.

Víctor Fortea Martínez
Game Designer & Programmer Valencia, Spain