Winter X: Frozen Tundra - Poster Design - Winter X: Frozen Tundra, yearly ski conference event poster (2007). Target Audience: High School Students.
GDAISource - Poster Design - Designed a poster to help promote a new online tool for GD employees called GDAISource.
AFRL Visitor's Guide - Bookcover Design - Designed and produced Air Vehicles Directorate Visitor's Guide making visitors to the facility more comfortable giving them insights and access to surrounding area.
General Dynamics - Magazine Ad Designs - Different magazine ads for General Dynamics advertising the company brand to the public.
Liquid Smoke - Package Design - Designed and produced for Liquid Smoke's Barbecue Smoke Seasoning design study.
DOPCA: The Cause - Bookcover Design - Cover design for "Death to the Property & Casualty Agent: The Cause" within veV, Inc. to promote where the insurance industry is going...
Grange Insurance - Insert Design - Designed a newspaper insert for Grange Insurance and Pathway Insurance Services offer up new incentives for potential clients.
Warfare Simulation Course - Datasheet Design - Warfare Simulation Course Datasheet design to maximize presentation of course.
We Care - Poster Design - We Care: General Dynamics "Sounds" poster. Used at an event for younger upcoming generations. Target Audience: 6-10 yrs.
Andrew Baker
Andrew D. Baker Centerville, OH