Designed, paper engineered, and coauthored the world's first self-performing, interactive book of magic.
Spread 1: Pull down Mark's pants to see if he's read your mind correctly.
Spread 2: Select any card and slide it into the pocket above...
Spread 3: Your card is the queen of hearts!
Spread 4: How many faces do you see?
Spread 5: Match the dominoes end to end, then turn the page for my prediction.
Spread 6: Keep your eyes fixed on Anne's shifting midriff...
Spread 7: Where's Mark's face? Look in the trash!
Back cover
Interactive Pop-up Book Design

The Magic Show, published by Workman Publishing—the world's first self-performing, interactive book of magic.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Anne Benkovitz
Creative Director New York, NY