Existo movie poster - Promotional poster for a hypothetical showing of the cult classic film Existo. Original size: 2' x 4'
Doctor Oblivion - Trading card (front): self as super villain
Doctor Oblivion - Trading card (front): self as super villain
Smokescreen - Trading card (front): self as super hero
Smokescreen - Trading card (front): self as super hero
if sinners wore their sins as tattoos... - pride
if sinners wore their sins as tattoos... - envy
if sinners wore their sins as tattoos... - greed
if sinners wore their sins as tattoos... - lust
if sinners wore their sins as tattoos... - gluttony
if sinners wore their sins as tattoos... - wrath
if sinners wore their sins as tattoos... - sloth
Scholarship for Crime - Political satire poster discussing the shortcomings of the U.S. prison system. Original size: 2' x 3'
graphic work
Angela Biagi
Passionate Designer Troy, NY