Back to the Roots (High End Design)

A High End Design Project, developed after developing a forecast and studying trends in the market.

Theme: Back to the Roots
Back to the Roots is to create something which is modern yet close to nature. As one advances in this fast moving life, one feels the need to get closer to nature in some way or the other. In these modern ways one should not forget one's roots, traditions and skills. Where in some places technology is progress, in other places it is a bane.

As humans become more aware of the environment and nature, one shifts the focus from material needs to authentic products, natural human values, appreciating our heritage and traditions, a sense of generosity and goodness towards everything and everyone surrounding us. This is all done in a pursuit to rouse and experience harmony, serenity and balance in one's own life.

Aditi Gore
Apparel Designer Ahmedabad, India