Magazine Image
Diagram showing shapes chosen for next part in red.
Motif chosen for next part of the project.
Pattern chosen to be rendered with tempera paint.
Fall 2009 | 1st Year | Contours, Motifs & Patterns

Students chose a magazine image and drew two contours of this image. After playing with black and white distribution on one of the images, many shapes were selected for the next part of the project.

For the design of the eight motifs, the shapes were taken and overlapped, showing the elements of design. A final layer of texturing was applied to each motif. One of the main things I included in my eight motifs was repetition. I felt that the element of repetition showed a nice rhythm in all of the motifs.

One of the motifs was then chosen to be created into three patterns. Finally one pattern was rendered in color with tempera paint.

Agata Jagusztyn
Interior Design Student Kent, OH