Bhayanakam - A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Adbhuta - A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Hasyam - A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Raudram - A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Shanta - A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Karunayam - A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Shringara - A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
A rasa is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.
Nav Rasa
Akash Kamthan
Visualiser Gurgaon, India