Ist Generation 01 - This vehicle was developed with the idea to create a series where a number of equal vehicles would compete providing an equal platform for drivers to show their skills.
Ist generation 02 - This vehicle was developed with the idea to create a series where a number of equal vehicles would compete providing an equal platform for drivers to show their skills.
1st Generation 03 - This vehicle was developed with the idea to create a series where a number of equal vehicles would compete providing an equal platform for drivers to show their skills.
Ist Generation 04 - This vehicle was developed with the idea to create a series where a number of equal vehicles would compete providing an equal platform for drivers to show their skills.
Ist Generation05 - This vehicle was developed with the idea to create a series where a number of equal vehicles would compete providing an equal platform for drivers to show their skills.
Ist Generation 06
2nd Generatin 01 - This vehicle was developed with the idea to create a series where a number of equal vehicles would compete providing an equal platform for drivers to show their skills.
Full size model
Full size model02
Full size model03
Full size model 03
Full size model 04
Full size model 05
Full size model 06
Full size model 07
Full size model 08
Full size model 09
Full size model 10
Prototype 01
Prototype 02
Prototype 03
Prototype 04
Finished Car 01
Finished Car 02
Production 01
Production 02
P0roduction 03
1979 80 Race car - Ottos Barchetta 1st Generation
Alberto Hernandez Mendoza
Industrial Designer San Francisco, CA