Prototype manufactured entirely by hand.
Magazine article DNI (Clarin) Articulo de la Revista DNI (Clarin), DNI revista de diseño nacional e internacional del diario Clarín.
Prototype manufactured entirely by hand.
Prototype manufactured entirely by hand. Below I show you step by step on how you performed. Prototipo manufacturado enteramente a mano. Debajo muestro el paso a paso de cómo lo realicé.
Copying the model of Polyfan with glue + wet paper. Copiando el modelo de polifan con papel mojado + pegamento.
Copying the model of Polyfan with glue + wet paper. Copiando el modelo de polifan con papel mojado + pegamento.
Copying the model of Polyfan with glue + wet paper. Copiando el modelo de polifan con papel mojado + pegamento.
The Polyfan model and your copy of paper wet + glue. Modelo de polifan y su copia de papel mojado + pegamento.
plaster / yeso
Polifan model and its replica in plaster. Modelo de Polifan y su réplica en yeso.
Polifan model and its replica in plaster. Modelo de Polifan y su réplica en yeso.
Polifan model and its replica in plaster. Modelo de Polifan y su réplica en yeso.
Plaster model for use in the thermoforming process. Modelo de yeso para utilizar en el proceso de termoformado.
Plaster model for use in the thermoforming process. Modelo de yeso para utilizar en el proceso de termoformado.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Inside of polifan. Pieza interna de polyfan.
Inside of polifan. Pieza interna de polyfan.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Prototype manufacturing process.
Finished helmet.
Prototype manufactured entirely by hand. Finished helmet.
Finished helmet.
Finished helmet.
Finished helmet.
Finished helmet.
Finished helmet.
Helmet - (manufactured entirely by hand) - ID 2

Diseño industrial 2 - 2011
Catedra Naso - FADU - UBA.
Prototype manufactured entirely by hand. Process: Modeling polifan, cartapesta, plaster, thermoforming.
-Exerted pedagogical-
Prototipo manufacturado enteramente a mano. Proceso: Modelado en polifan,cartapesta, yeso, termoformado.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Alexis Fisch
Industrial Design / Diseñador Industrial Buenos Aires, Argentina