Hide (1/3) - This is the first in a series. I had splattered washes of gouache on paper, cropped parts that I found interesting, and let the forms guide my drawing. The play with open-ended lines has been persisting in my work.
Go, Seek (2 and 3 of 3) - the diptych in the series, graphite on gouache. I have been interested in the idea of lines as storytellers, possessing a spirit of their own and discovering characters and shapes on paper.
2 - Drawing on wood. Color in Photoshop. The three-part series Hide and Go, Seek really sprang up from this smaller, focused character drawing.
In Dialogue. Acrylic painting.
Untitled - Midterm project for my figure drawing class. Based on a blind drawing I did of our model Dewayne. It's about 3 by 2 feet. Charcoal and water.
Danzig Trilogy band poster sketch. I didn't finish this one before the band fell apart, but the typography, the border, and the characters were particularly fun to do.

Drawings and sketches, 2008-2010.

Alex Kostiw
Illustrator Chicago, IL