"Interaction" - “Interaction”, is a picnic table designed especially for wheelchair users. With existing designs the wheelchair user is forced to sit at the end of the table. “Interaction” solves this issue by subtly focussing the wheelchair user within the seating spaces, providing better social interaction. The curved seating also makes it easier for people to interact. The picnic table allows space for more than one wheelchair, this not only offers a chance for multiple people who use wheelchairs to sit comfortably at the same table, but also offers a choice of where each person may sit. “Interaction” addresses both the social and physical problems with existing picnic tables. The picnic table is designed as a system, which allows various layouts of desired patterns to suit each unique public environment, always allowing space for at least one wheelchair. The variations in designs have no extra cost, as one unit produces many versions of patterns, making the design overall more economic.
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