OSU-OKC Graphic Design Logo
Happy Thanksgiving - Turkey Illustration
Flower Illustration All flowers made from shape created with pen tool; then copied and multiple transform commands used and transform again command applied. Vines created using pen tool and spiral tool. Background - blue/white/blue custom gradient; set at 50% opacity. White overlay placed over all artwork with 13% opacity applied for faded effect.
Floating Circles Ellipse tool used to create a circle; then copy and scale tools used to create multiple sizes and colors. Entire layer of circles duplicated and rotated, set at 65% opacity, with inner glow effect added. Rectangle tool used with light gray fill set at 35% opacity to create a transparent overlay on top of circles. 2 pt stroke applied with rounded caps to create frame around entire design.
Color Concepts LLC Logo Rectangle tool used to create multiple squares arranged to overlap. Live paint bucket tool used to color in overlapped sections of squares. 38 pt Impact font used; black copy created behind original, then offset slightly to create drop shadow effect. Custom gray and white gradient background created for metal-like effect; 4 pt stroke with rounded corners added.
Adobe Illustrator Projects
Amanda Janz
Graphic Designer Oklahoma City, OK