Different Is The New Normal (series)
Media: Ink on paper, Photoshop
Stickers debuted at my graduation art show and at Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF) 2016.
An assignment done for my Traditional Media 4 class at Seneca College. We had to create a series of 4 images that were cohesive in concept, genre and medium.
“Different Is The New Normal“ is a series where it focuses on deformities in cats with a positive and motivational aspect to it. Each cat has a banner that contains a positive slogan (and some cat puns too) to show that despite their disability and/or oddness in appearance, they are still cats, unique and adorable. I wanted to show that there’s nothing wrong with being different. It’s not something that should be ridiculed but to embrace with open arms. Those who have any kind of disability are fully capable of doing anything that anyone else can do.