Fruit self portrait

The art piece was inspired by the artist named Arcimboldo. The first step was to take a picture of ourselves and drag it onto photoshop. We then had to download fruits and vegetables to place on our pictures to match parts of our face. For my piece, I copied and pasted a big strawberry onto my picture because it perfectly matched my face. To even it out, I zoomed into the picture and lowered the capacity and erased the edges. I then worked on my eyes by placing cucumbers for the white part of my eyeball. For my pupils, I placed grapes in the middle of the cucumbers. Next, I worked my way down to the nose (red pepper) and the mouth (red peppers as well). For the cheeks, I added clementines, and a kiwi for my ear. To complete my face, I used blueberries for my curly hair and copied and paste it many times to give it its shape. My clothes were made out of green grapes leaves and my neck was made out of pumpkin skin.

Amy Huchard
Fashion Design New York, NY