“Dominanté” The artwork is a tribute to strong, fearless, go-getters women, and their innate personalities. Red denotes energy, stamina and vitality, whilst black signifies their sophisticated authority. They can be beautiful flowers but also tough as nails. I sketched it on paper and then scanned it to turn it into a graphic art through Adobe Illustrator, where I enhanced it using red and black outlines.
From the series: Self-reconnaissance I created this when I felt multiple progressive emotions all at once, almost overwhelming yet controllable. The colors describe each emotion – red for passion, yellow for jovialness, orange for strength, blue for tranquility and violet for spirituality. I couldn’t describe this mix of emancipating emotions in words, so I decided to depict it through art to show that you can let go and still be in charge of your inner self. I used acrylics to make the colors stand out and complement each other.
From the series: Self-reconnaissance
"When he grew flowers in my garden" The garden of hopes and dreams is where the woman’s most intimate, vulnerable self lies. It is where she is herself, raw and wild. The flowers begin blossoming with the first showers of love, a love so passionate and resilient that the flowers grow right through her being, filling her with boundless ecstasy.

Artworks created by me

Freelance, Full-time
Anastasiia Vlasova
Graphic Designer Dubai, United Arab Emirates