UNLV RebelMail logo - Put together this logo as part of an identity for a student email campaign at UNLV.
RebelMail Campaign Identity & Logo - Put this a logo and identity together for a student email campaign at UNLV.
The Kite Report - For the KITE Report Project I put together multiple guis to determine the best direction for the project. I ended up creating two storyboards from which the project was templated and flash intros and intractivity were developed. Final Site at: http://www.kitereport.com/
PTSD Conference GUI - This client changed the focus on this project several times before completion, allowing for several very different GUIs. The design is for a conference being held December of 2002 by the FPR and UCLA. The focus is post traumatic stress, culture and the brain, and accessing the psychological effects of 9/11. View final site at: http://www.ptsdconference.org/
UB homepage image - As part of my work at UB I designed graphics in Photoshop for weekly feature articles, both for the UB home page (eUB) and the Alumni Center. I also supervised the same project using students. Below are some screenshots of my work. See more screenshots at: http://www.anchorball.com/portfolio/weekly.html