WHAT IF PLASTIC COULD BE TURNED INTO SOMETHING GOOD FOR NATURE? Back to Nature is a set of 3 products made of recycled plastic containers and bags, to be used not by humans but by wild animals and plants.The project aims at creating awareness around the excessive production of disposable plastic products and suggest a new way to turn plastic trash into something useful for nature.
HOW TO RECYCLE HDPE & LDPE High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a plastic commonly used for products such as detergent containers, milk jugs and water bottles caps. The HDPE recycling process starts by collecting the disposed products which are then cleaned, separated based on their colour and shredded into tiny pieces. This material is then compression moulded to create the beehive, birds feeder and flower pot’s bodies. Infinite texture and colour variations can be achieved by mixing the source materials in different combinations and proportions. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is present in shopping bags, food wraps and a variety of packagings. Although ubiquitous It is harder to recycle and its disposal causes serious environmental threats. The cords of the beehive and birds feeder are thus made of disposed plastic bags cut into stripes and woven together to create a strong and water-resistant structure.
Back to nature

What if we could turn plastic trash into something that doesn’t damage nature, but rather make it thrive? Back to nature is set of 3 products: a beehive, a birds feeder and a flower pot, made of 100% recycled plastic and targeted specifically to wild life and plants.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Andrea Mangone
Product Experience Designer Milano, Italy