The General Assembly logo. My assignment was to design and build a responsive, multipage portfolio or business website. I chose to design and build a website for a personal project, a food-themed zine. I contributed branding, UI design, and development to this project, applying my skills in sketching, wireframing, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
General Assembly HTML, CSS & Web Design Certificate

I've dabbled in code since age nine, but in 2015 I decided I wanted to get serious about learning web languages, so I signed up for General Assembly's 12-week intensive HTML, CSS, and Web Design Circuit certificate course.

Through weekly video tutorials, lessons and exercises, interactive lectures, and one-on-one mentorship sessions, I quickly ramped up my coding abilities.

The course was primarily project-based; the assignments I turned in each week all related back to my personal project, a website for a zine I was working on about restaurants, cooking, and food shopping in my city.

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Andrea Wong
Writer with UX design training Reading, United Kingdom