Info Spot for Sonae at Pop Concept - Information spot with a bar-code reader and a client assistance telephone for large commercial areas.
Info Spot for Sonae at Pop Concept - Information spot with a bar-code reader and a client assistance telephone for large commercial areas.
Welcome Desk AllCredit at VerseDesign - Creating and 3D modelling of a welcome desk for client AllCredit. Built from bent MDF, acrylic plates and tinted glass, it featured a support for signing checks or other documents standing, for quick costumer attendance. The choice fell on a different design, seen in the "Shop Design" set in this portfolio.
Welcome Desk AllCredit at VerseDesign - Creating and 3D modelling of a welcome desk for client AllCredit. Built from bent MDF, acrylic plates and tinted glass, it featured a support for signing checks or other documents standing, for quick costumer attendance. The choice fell on a different design, seen in the "Shop Design" set in this portfolio.
Shop Displays for Odisseias at VerseDesign - Two possible versions of shop displays for client Odisseias, a company that sells "life experiences" to the general public. The boxes where the vouchers were sold are made from stainless steel, therefore I used bent and welded thin steel plates to make this design. This option allowed me to get fluid shapes without too much work (bent wood would be more expensive and complicated to solve).
Shop Displays for Odisseias at VerseDesign - Two possible versions of shop displays for client Odisseias, a company that sells "life experiences" to the general public. The boxes where the vouchers were sold are made from stainless steel, therefore I used bent and welded thin steel plates to make this design. This option allowed me to get fluid shapes without too much work (bent wood would be more expensive and complicated to solve).
Shop Displays for Odisseias at VerseDesign - Two possible versions of shop displays for client Odisseias, a company that sells "life experiences" to the general public. The boxes where the vouchers were sold are made from stainless steel, therefore I used bent and welded thin steel plates to make this design. This option allowed me to get fluid shapes without too much work (bent wood would be more expensive and complicated to solve).
Shop Displays for Odisseias at VerseDesign - Two possible versions of shop displays for client Odisseias, a company that sells "life experiences" to the general public. The boxes where the vouchers were sold are made from stainless steel, therefore I used bent and welded thin steel plates to make this design. This option allowed me to get fluid shapes without too much work (bent wood would be more expensive and complicated to solve).
Dice DVD Display for FCP at SBS Design - A DVD display made from white alveolar polycarbonate, meant to be used in the F.C. Porto sport shops. There where versions for other Portuguese clubs.
Dice DVD Display for FCP at SBS Design - A DVD display made from white alveolar polycarbonate, meant to be used in the F.C. Porto sport shops. There where versions for other Portuguese clubs.
Pulpit at SBS Design - An acrylic pulpit made out of an acrylic 8mm thick sheet. It was an experiment made with available productive technologies.
Pulpit at SBS Design - An acrylic pulpit made out of an acrylic 8mm thick sheet. It was an experiment made with available productive technologies.
Grupo Trofa Saúde at SBS Design - A booklet display to be used in clinics and hospitals of the Grupo Trofa Saúde company.
Equipment Design
André Frederico
Designer Lisboa, Portugal