The soon to be parents asked for a tree, giraffe and monkey so I sketched out the plan over the winter holiday. Yes, I took a break from drawing cute things by ... drawing cute things. Our colors were inspired by the quilt they had bought for the crib.
"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." - Navy Seal maxim.
8 hours of painting sound-tracked by my English Beat Pandora station.
Monkey Mural.
Giraffe Mural.
Enjoying the shade once the job was completed. As a finishing touch I had my brother and sister-in-law "carve" their initials into the tree trunk.
PROJECT: Gentle Jungle Nursery Mural

As a gift for my soon to be niece/nephew I flew home to Philadelphia to paint jungle themed graphics on the nursery walls.

Freelance, Full-time
Andrew Maximilian Blanch
Toy Design/ Senior Product Manager / Children’s Content Writer Hong Kong, Hong Kong