You know how it goes; Aliens abduct yet another cow in the late 90s, Whoops! It had abnormal proteins! Then there's a dimensional warp accident, ship, cow and atomic fusion fallout crash to an agrarian planet and evolution takes a new turn. Some use their powers for conquest. Some use their powers for good. They are Cattle of the Atom.
Jean Graze is Moovel Cow, the Soul of the Mootants. Teams: X-Herd, X-Tractors.
The X-Herd's resident power-stealing, fists-a-reeling, Southern Belle with the punch from Heck, Rustler.
Alox Cudders is Haystak. Though a bit of a wild card on the X-herd, Haystak later showed keen leadership abilities on the government affiliated X-Tractors team. His mootant metabolism converts the hay he eats into plasma energy which he builds up and stores until he is ready to generate chaotic blasts of power. His suit helps him control this energy.
Bullverine, neé, James Cowlett, alias: Lowgan. The riled up, rip-snorting roustabout with the samurai soul. This hex-horned heckraiser is always seeing red and ready to charge into battle.
The hyper verbal, pyrotechnic, mall loving mootant spitfire, Moobilee.
Nathan Cudders, leader of X-Farm, is Cowbell, back from the future to save the past. Let's just go over this 90's comics checklist, shall we...Huge shoulder pads? Check. Exxtreme personal arsenal? Check. Pouches? Check. No, like A LOT of pouches? Yes, check. Those so challenging to draw feet clumsily hidden? You got it! (Cowbell originally created by Rob Wheatfield.)
Lucas Bisheep comes from a future where all Agrarians have united to stand against the out of control W.R.A.N.G.L.E.R.S. A top cop with keen instincts, Bisheep is chosen to be gene-spliced with mootant DNA to better help his fight.
And now for some "baddies", as my British nephew calls villains. Mootimer Toynbee is the elastic, gymnastic, agile, prehensile, hop-about, Bullfrog of Magnetaur's Brotherherd of Evil Mootants.
Victaur Creed is Auroch, the savage, saber-horned, primal powerhouse of the Brotherherd of Evil Mootants.
Though not born with mootant abilities, once Cain Mookow bonded with the Crimson Gem of Cyttolact, he became the unstoppable, invulnerable, rampaging Milkjuggernaut.
Udderly Uncanny X-Herd - Mootant Mooniverse

A project I first dreamt up when I was 11 and never felt tired enough to sleep. At bedtime I would attempt to tire my body out by doing 50 push-ups & 50 sit-ups. To tire my brain out, I would try to imagine 32 images, eg. 32 raccoons playing different sports, 32 pigs with different jobs that require hats... Having recently bought my first comic with my own money, (West Coast Avengers 14), & having talked my brother into buying Uncanny X-Men 211, I was absolutely obsessed with superheroes and my night's mind-tiring lead to this concept. I first drew some characters at age 15 when regularly reading The New Mutants & have played with it here and there over the years until finally realising the Mootant Mooniverse in full Adobe glory over the past few months. I have about 70 characters figured out except for two challengers that elude me to this day! Here's a brief sampling of heroes & villains. I will be posting the rest weekly over at my instagram. Address below. Enjoy!

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Andrew Maximilian Blanch
Toy Design/ Senior Product Manager / Children’s Content Writer Hong Kong, Hong Kong