portable system for females in urban environments - During their commutes the majority of women in urban environments carry at least one bag in excess of their purse. However, throughout the day it is the purse that is mainly used. In response to this I developed a portable system, which accomodates flexibility in use without sacrificing style, ergonomics, or function.
object for tea ceremonies - The preparation of a cup of tea by means of a teabag is as un-engaging as it is bland-tasting. The "tea hourglass", which is filled with loose-leaf tea actively engages the user as the leaves are strained from the hot fluid only after the translucent vessel is turned upside down.
modular flower vase - The modular design is in response to varying sizes and styles of floral arrangements and can be used in a multitude of settings.
environmental mailer for IDSA - The intent of the mailer is to heighten awareness to the problem of air pollution focused specifically on IDSA members. The challenge of making air pollution tangible is met by representing the actual volume of one average breath of air by means of translucent cubes. At current pollution rates 2 of 6 cubes total are polluted . You do the math!
student work
Andrea Ruddy
Industrial Design Boston, MA