My Business card - Off set printing on Recycled chipboard

Client: CaptureinStyle.com - Brand Identity

Disalvo_finish_product - Finished product. Offset Printing on heavy linen paper stock

Di Salvo BC

Fleeteyes BC

New York Performing Arts Society - They wanted a modern logo that would go into their website and business cards.
This is my Design #1

Accountant BC

Fusion BC

WaterView Club Logo (formerly Carltun on the Sound) - WaterView Club, Bayville.
(formerly Carltun on the Sound)

Sample AI Recording - Typo design the word "Recording" and banner design.

E-Renewable Logo | BC - The president/CEO of the company came to me to and said he wanted his logo to be green, sun & energy. Here is my interpretation.

LIGA Logo for website
