Sex and Violence skirt - Parts: -WWF shirt for some wrestler I hadn't heard of -Lace panties -Some little flowery shirt I found in the garbage
Quetzal Tea Towels - Commissioned by a friend of mine (Feb 2010)
Steel Drunk! - Patches for my boy's band... ok, just one patch for now, I gotta get the others back from him to take pictures....
T Shirt Skirt - I am gonna wear this thing til it falls apart. Made it out of an XL shirt I found at a bluegrass show. This is the band that crashed at my place later that night, they rock
Crown Royal Pants - Oh my god, these bags are the worst quality fabric ever. But they looked cool, I guess. Commissioned by my roommate
Killdozer!!! - Turned out pretty well considering I used plain fabric and mod podge in an embroidery hoop.
YINZER - I made this for my man for his birthday; hand-sewn lettering