Learning aids for Autistic children - Since, no two autistic are same; the design was persona oriented for HFA. A universal approach was taken for early intervention to take care of basic learning's such as concentration, grip, eye coordination.
User study - An iterative approach was followed which included regular communication with domain experts and prototype makers, parents and children.
Domain understanding - Graphical representations were developed of the domain knowledge, followed by concept development, detailing, prototyping and testing.
Domain understanding - Graphical representations were developed of the domain knowledge, followed by concept development, detailing, prototyping and testing.
Domain understanding - Graphical representations were developed of the domain knowledge, followed by concept development, detailing, prototyping and testing.
Prototype- Playing cards - Since, no two autistic are same; the design was persona oriented for High Functioning Autistic. These portable playing cards helps the child learn about various real life social scenarios which the child is a part of. While practicing the linking and sequencing skills, the child practices social behavior.
Prototype- Digital Wall - A universal approach was taken for early intervention to take care of basic learning's such as concentration, grip, eye coordination. This digital wall has different levels for different learning and age group.
Prototype- Color Wall
Prototype- Shape Wall - Aid,autism,education,game,High Functioning Autism,learning
Learning Aids for Autistic
Anisha Malhotra ...
PhD, Design Education Mumbai, India