Graphic Design - KV Schöne Haut

There are plenty of climbing clubs in „Saxon Switzerland“ in eastern Germany. „KV Schöne Haut“ which translates as „climbing club beautiful skin“ wanted their identity to be strengthened.

It is common in that climbing culture to sign a summit log whenever you reach a pinnacle. As many of the sandstone rocks are not especially high, it is possible to reach several pinnacles a day. The purpose of having a stamp is to give the club a recognisable appearance in the summit logs and to simplify the action of signing each book.

The use of “finger tape” was a familiar visual for climbers whose fingertips regularly get damaged when climbing on abrasive rock.

The outcome of the design process resulted in three items: a stamp showing the logo, a business card and a sticker.

Anja Kaiserswerth
Industrial Designer Isny im Allgäu, Germany