"7 sins of today contrast" - 16x23 cm/ dry point (kuivn6el) 10th;13th of 15/ tutor Kalli Kalde (juhendaja)/ 2010

'Darth' - 10 x 13 cm/ linol cut (linooll6ige) 4th of 11/ tutor Eve Eesmaa (juhendaja)/ 2009

Crimson King on a t-shirt - 2009

'Crimson King' - A4/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 5th of 18/ tutor Eve Eesmaa (juhendaja)/ 2009

'Crimson King' - A4/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 1st; 9th of 18th/ tutor Eve Eesmaa (juhendaja)/ 2009

'Group work' ("Grupitoo") - A3/ lithography (litograafia) 4th of 10/ tutor Eve Eesmaa (juhendaja)/ 2009

" A&J travelling" - A5/ dry point (kuivn6el) 4th;10th of 10/ tutor Eve Eesmaa (juhendaja)/ 2009

'Lines' ("Jooned") - 7 x 25 cm/ ofort 1st of 1/ 2009

'J <3 A' - 15 x 24 cm/ aquatint (akvatinta) 3rd of 5/ 2009

'In the bar' ("Baaris") - 25 x 35 cm/ aquatint (akvatinta) 1st of 7/ 2009

'From above' ("Ylalt") - 14 x 15 cm/ softground (pehmelakk) 1st; 8th of 8/ 2009

"Aom" - 10x18 cm/ embossing (reljeeftrykk) 7th of 11/ 2009

'Tarifa Esp' - 10 x 12 cm/ aquatint (akvatinta) 4th of 6/ tutor Kalli Kalde (juhendaja)/ 2009

'Tarifa-el Paraiso' ("Tarifa - the paradise") - A3/ wood cut (puul6ige) 11th of 17/ 2009

'Tarifa - el Paraiso' ("Tarifa - the Paradise") - A3/ wood cut (puul6ige) 8th; 16th of 17/ 2009

"Tarifa - el Paraiso" ('Tarifa - the paradise') - A3/ woodcut (puul6ige) 7th of 17/ 2009

"Tarifa - el Paraiso" ('Tarifa - the paradise') - A3/ woodcut on japanese paper (puul6ige jaapani paberil) 2nd;5th of 9/ 2009

'Hands' ("K2ed") - 16 x 20 cm/ wood cut (puul6ige) 2nd of 6/ 2009

"Villa" - 4 x A3/ linol cut (linooll6ige) 1st;5th;9th;11th of 11/ tutor Kalli Kalde (juhendaja)/ 2008

'Sole & pattern' ("Tald ja muster") - A3/ material print (materjalitrykk) 5th of 5/ tutor Kalli Kalde (juhendaja)/ 2008

'Sole & pattern' ("Tald ja muster") - A3/ material print (materjalitrykk) 2nd of 5/ tutor Kalli Kalde (juhendaja)/ 2008

"Abstrakt" - 2 x A3/ material print (materjalitrykk) 3rd;8th of 8/ tutor Kalli Kalde (juhendaja)/ 2008

'Jeair' - 12 x 14 cm/ dry point (kuivn6el) 3rd of 4/ tutor Kalli Kalde (juhendaja)/ 2008

'Stylization ZC on a t-shirt' ("Stiliseering ZC t-s2rgil") - 2008

'Stylization ZC on a t-shirt2' ("Stiliseering ZC t-s2rgil2") - 2008

'Stylization ZC on a t-shirt3' ("Stiliseering ZC t-s2rgil3") - 2008

'Stylization ZC' ("Stiliseering ZC") - 25x32 cm/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 12th of 30/ tutor Peeter Krosmann (juhendaja)/ 2008

'Stylization ZC' ("Stiliseering ZC") - A3/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 8th;16th;26th of 30/ tutor Peeter Krosmann (juhendaja)/ 2008

'Stylization ZC' ("Stiliseering ZC") - A3/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 4th;23rd;24th;29th of 30/ tutor Peeter Krosmann (juhendaja)/ 2008

*Edie & Andy on a t-shirt' ("Edie ja Andy t-s2rgil") - 2007

"Edie & Andy" - A4/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 34th of 41/ tutor Aet Kingsepp (juhendaja)/ 2007

"Edie & Andy" - 22x25 cm/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 26th;31st of 41/ tutor Aet Kingsepp (juhendaja)/ 2007

"Andy & Edie" - A3/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 3rd of 41/ tutor Aet Kingsepp (juhendaja)/ 2007

'Stylization' ("Stiliseering") - 19x23 cm/ screenprint (siiditrykk) 10th of 18/ tutor Aet Kingsepp (juhendaja)/ 2007

'Creature' ("Olend") - A4/ softground (pehmelakk) 9th of 9; dry point (kuivn6el) 10th of 10/ tutor Kalju Kytt (juhendaja)/ 2006

'Creature' ("Olend") - 11x34 cm/ dry point (kuivn6el) 5th of 10; softground (pehmelakk) 4th of 9/ tutor Kalju Kytt (juhendaja)/ 2006

'City' "(Linn") - 18x25 cm/ plastic cut (plastikaatl6ige) 3rd of 4/ tutor Kalju Kytt (juhendaja)/ 2005

'Tree & ship' ("Puu ja laev") - 12x12 cm/ dry point (kuivn6el) 3rd of 3/ tutor Kalju Kytt (juhendaja)/ 2005