Celine Dion poster - Image created in Adobe Illustrator

Typographic Illustration: The Voice - (Frank Sinatra)
Image created in Illustrator

Book cover - Image created in Illustrator

Art for Music CD called "Collage" - Front cover for musical CD created by the Faculty of the IUPUI Music Department.
Made in Illustrator

DUAL-D poster - Poster made for a costumed runner of Indianapolis. See history of DUAL-D: http://aprilsilva.blogspot.com/2009/05/character-design-background.html

La Panamena - Poster (11x17)

Latin Jazz Band - Direct Contact Latin Jazz Concert Poster and Logo. Made in Illustrator CS4

Typographic Illustration (Tina Turner) - Made with Illustrator

Promotional Poster


Mission Trip poster

Holloween Party Poster - For Indiana Discount Mall

Poster for Seminar

Youth Rally poster for 2011

Tri-fold Menu for Ricci's Catering and Dining

Promotional Flyer

Indiana Healthy Choices - Promotional brochure

Indiana Healthy Choices - Promotional "Save the Date" postcard

Indiana Healthy Choices - Original proposal for the "Save the Date" postcard.

Felix & Jane - Handbag line promotional posters

Felix & Jane - Handbag line promotional posters

Felix & Jane - Handbag line promotional posters

Flyer for program to quit smoking

Flyer for marriage seminar

Flyer for seminar

Flyer for financial seminar

Pray it Forward Ministries Brochure