Kufsa Drawing-Display Desk - Office drawing desk with space on the opposite side to display sketches and ideas.
Speaker Concepts - Concept sketches for speaker designs
Barcode Scanner - Drawing of an existing barcode scanner.
Child's Chair - One piece of steel or thick felt that can be pinched into shape. Can be roto-molded as well.
Pocket Watch Props - Pocket watch prop concepts for Ragazzo movie adaptation of graphic novel with same title.
Bottle Collection Shelf
Drawer Table
Hydro-energy Generator
Man on Train
Puppy Balloon
Moonlit Building - Building Perspective in pencil.
Full Skeleton - Pencil
Skull with Desert Background - Pencil
Still Life Shading - Collection of junk organized on a card board box. Pencil shading.
View of Design Building - Perspective drawing in pencil.
Clown and Bear
Avrami Rakovsky
Head of Design Department at American Built Arms Company Baltimore, MD