Simulating an interactive space inside M Museum in Leuven, Belgium as output of the workshop by @iartag. The simulation uses as a background the artwork of Ann Veronica Janssens "Grand disque #2" in engraved aluminium.
Simulating an interactive space inside M Museum in Leuven, Belgium as output of the workshop by @iartag. The simulation uses as a background the artwork of Ann Veronica Janssens "Grand disque #2" in engraved aluminium.
Simulating an interactive space on the facade of M Museum in Leuven, Belgium as output of the workshop by @iartag. The simulation uses this time a text instead of walking people.
Simulating an interactive space on a rhythmic facade close to the train station in Leuven, Belgium as output of the workshop by @iartag. Oversizing the walking people of the simulation emphasises the human scale of the building and the multiple circulation paths within the train station area.

Interactive Design had the honour to participate within the MAB20 Workshop "Experiments With The Imaginative Nature Of Responsive Fibre Concrete" hosted by iart.
Date: 29.06.2021
Location: online
Together with: iart, Switzerland.

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Cristina Maier
Architectural Designer Belgium