Still Life - Oil on canvas - 11"x14" - 2011
Hesh - Sculpted wire - 6.5"x8" - 2011
Orange You Glad - Markers on paper - 8.5"x5.5" - 2010
Andre Had a Posse - Woodblock print - 6"x8" - 2011
The Eraser - Linoleum print - 4"x6" - 2012
Rosa - Oil on canvas - 4"x6" - 2011
Latrodectus - Oil on canvas - 4"x6" - 2011
Triangulation Theory - Photogram - 5"x7" - 2011
Plumage Variation - Photogram - 5"x7" - 2011
Spud - Clay, acrylic, wire - 4"x11" - 2011
Still life perspective - Pencil on paper - 24"x36" - 2011
Studio drawing - Pencil on paper - 24"x36" - 2011
CFA #5 - Pencil and ink on paper - 24"x36" - 2011
Thom - Pencil and charcoal on paper - 8"x13" - 2011
Overlapping Sentiment - Marker on paper - 8.5"x5.5" - 2011
Cosmogramma Variation - Marker on paper - 8.5"x5.5" - 2010
PUBU - Pencil, marker, digital color - 6"x6" - 2012
Young Cardinals - Oil on canvas - 8"x8" - 2009
Figure drawing - Charcoal on paper - 24"x36" - 2011
Pinned Shirt - Charcoal on paper - 24"x36" - 2011
Trophy Buck - Cardboard 25"x38" - 2011
Perros/Mans - Pencil, markers on paper - 8"x11" - 2012
Delaunay Triangulation cactus pots - MDF wood
Delaunay Triangulation cactus pots - MDF wood
Ergonomic kitchen grater - PVC plastic, styrene
Ergonomic kitchen grater - PVC plastic, styrene
Backpack concept - Digital, Photoshop
Street bike concept - Digital, Photoshop
Sports car concept - Digital, Photoshop
General Work

A collection of my work for the past couple of years.