Sderot Heritage center

Sderot heritage visitor center

The city of Sderot, from the time it was founded and even more so in recent years, has become an icon of pioneering, fortitude and courage. We are convinced that Sderot has a stirring and vital story to tell of great national significance and has carved out a unique niche in the pantheon of Israel’s miraculous stories of renewal and redemption.

nitzan Refaeli and American friends of Sderot

Sderot heritage visitor center Will be a hands-on tourist experience as well as a place for the in-depth study and research of the role of courage in our lives;
A place where the banner of heroism will be held aloft - both as the central motif of the story of Sderot as well as a universal/ Jewish/Israeli value which is the basis for our continued existence as a nation and a people.

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Ariel Drach
Product Designer Tel Aviv, Israel