The PlutoPay Project: Allow anyone to shop, transfer money, and more without a debit or credit card or the need to visit a physical bank or store.
Affinity mapping makes for an excellent way to take interview responses and break them down into bite-size, nearly actionable chunks.
Pulling from interview quotes was very valuable in the creation of my user personas. I was glad to have selected a diverse group of interviewees, as I was able to form personas with a wide range of motivations, needs and goals.
The goals, thoughts and feelings in this journey map were derived from real experiences from real people. It conveys a mini-story that’s easily memorable, and therefore more easily designed for.
A user flow breaks down a process into its theorized individual steps. This is a supposition for (persona) Vivienne’s interactions with PlutoPay when performing a task appropriate to her persona.
A quick look at UI flow progression
PlutoPay App

Allow anyone to shop, transfer money, and more without a debit or credit card or the need to visit a physical bank or store.

Type: CareerFoundry UX Project

Role: Individual Researcher & Designer

Tools: Adobe XD, Usability Hub, Sticky Notes, Google Survey, Google Recorder, Zoom, Optimal Workshop

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Asa Thomas
Experience Designer Pensacola, FL