"The Christmas Dept." Cover depicts the main character in a logo-esque format that matches the book's department store setting.
Kristin (the Buyer) and I at the book's McNally Jackson release.
"The Christmas Dept." at Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn.
To fund the book's printing, I created a Kickstarter Campaign. This is an image showing all the possible gift options. Please learn more here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1927002180/the-christmas-department The Kickstarter Camp. was successfully funded on Dec. 11
"The Christmas Dept." Back and Front Cover
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Cover to Promotional Packet
Facebook Promo Header for Modern American Folktales Page. The page is for my blog of the same name: modernamericanfolktales.com
The Christmas Dept.

This is "The Christmas Dept." The book I wrote, illustrated, and printed in Hardcover for gifting purposes. It is distributed by Adams Book Press, a division of Adams Book Company. I personally went around to bookstores around NYC to talk to buyers. The book now appears in St. Marks Bookstore, McNally Jackson, St. Agnes Bookshop, and Greenlight Bookstore.

Alex Schattner
Writer/Designer New York, NY