Hul-chul - Gesture based system for rehabilitation of stroke patients with motor disabilities

This project is my Bachelors thesis project. The aim of the project is the rehabilitation of stroke patients with motor disabilities using gesture based interactions with the help of Microsoft Kinect. The system basically consists of an exercise module and 3 games based on Indian mythology. The exercise module contains the required set of exercises for the rehabilitation of the patients and it also monitors the users performance in real time. The three games makes the user performs similar exercises but in a fun way so that the therapy session becomes more interesting. Each user has got a separate profile and the system is smart enough to change the difficulty levels of the games according to the disabilities of each users. The Kinect tracks the body movements and analyses it. the project is presently in the development phase which will be followed by user testing and analysis.

Ashok Thariyan
Student at IIT Guwahati guwahati, India