Du hast das Wort, Schätzchen!

»This lovingly illustrated book presents 100 exciting questions on the subject of language – and provides informative, surprising and sometimes quirky answers. (…) Let yourself get charmed by the German language!«

For this book, I developed a simplified, bichrome Sixties style for illustrations and graphics, plus the character of the “little lady” – and based on this, I illustrated the cover, 12 stories, a tiny vignette and 6 simple icons for the chapters.

Du hast das Wort, Schätzchen! – 100 charmante Geschichten rund um die Sprache
Rita Mielke | Illustriert von Iris Luckhaus
192 Seiten | 12,6 x 19,0 cm | Broschur
9,99 € (D) | ISBN 978-3-411-75698-8

Client: Duden Verlag, Editor: Juliane von Laffert, Cover Design: Groothuis, Layout: Selina Bauer, Typeset: Sigrid Hecker

Available on March 1st 2017

© Iris Luckhaus | All Rights Reserved

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Iris Luckhaus
Freelance Illustrator + Designer (MoD) Wuppertal / Berlin, Germany