Lily has a Picnic in the Forest

Holiday and New Year’s card for clients, friends and family I am using online, as printed cards in various formats and as tags for my own gifts.

This years’ illustration shows Lily Lux celebrating with a winter picnic on her new bench in the forest! On her sledge and in her basket, she brought food, apples and cones for her animal friends, namely the deer, fox, raccoon, badger, marten, weasel, squirrel, dormouse, mouse, groundhog, salamander, frog, falcon, jay, magpie, pigeon, woodpecker, blackbird, nightingale, robin, great titmouse, crested tit, goldfinch, bullfinch, redtail, chaffinch, sparrow and wren.

? Poster: Posterlounge / eBay
? Products: Redbubble [EU + US]
? More products: Søciety6 [US]

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Iris Luckhaus
Freelance Illustrator + Designer (MoD) Wuppertal / Berlin, Germany